2025-01 - Adopting an Amendment to the Multi-Jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan for Racine County: 2035 as it Pertains to the Village of Caledonia under Section 13-2-1 of the Village’s Code of Ordinances by Creating Section 13-2-2(W) Adding an Amendment to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan and Affecting the Parcels Located at 5 Mile Road, Parcel ID Nos. 104-04-23-17-081-000, 104-04-23-17-077-000, Village of Caledonia; Containing 27.4 Acres, More or Less; from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential; Thomas Tree Plantation LLC, Owner
2025-02 - To Amend Zoning Districts of the Zoning Map Adopted under Section 16-2-3 of the Code of Ordinances of the Village of Caledonia Approving a Request to Rezone ±27.4 Acres from R-3, Single Family Residential District to R-5, Single Family Residential District for the Two Parcels Located North of 1913 5 Mile Road, Parcel ID Nos. 104-04-23-17-081-000, 104-04-23-17-077-000, Village of Caledonia, Racine County, WI., Thomas Plantation LLC, Owner
2025-03 - An Ordinance to Repeal and Recreate Title 7, Chapter 4 of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Caledonia Previously Entitled “Transient Merchants”
2025-04 - An Ordinance to Repeal Sections 2-1-3, 2-1-4, 2-1-5 and 2-1-6 and Recreate and Amend Said Sections as Title 2 Chapter 2 of the Village of Caledonia Code of Ordinance Regarding Elections and Establishing a Municipal Board of Absentee Ballot Canvassers
2025-05 - Adopting an Amendment to the Multi-Jurisdictional Comprehensive Plan for Racine County: 2035 as it Pertains to the Village of Caledonia Under Section 13-2-1 of the Village’s Code of Ordinances by Creating Section 13-2-2(W) Adding an Amendment to the Village’s Comprehensive Plan, Creating and Defining a New Land Use Category, Transition Light Industrial; Village of Caledonia, Owner
2025-06 - To Amend Section 9-4-7(C) of the Code of Ordinances for the Village of Caledonia Relating to the Amount of Sewer Service Charges