0 current opening(s), but you may always apply: If you are interested in serving your community as a member, please submit the provided application below to the Village Clerk at 5043 Chester Lane, or email jolsen@caledonia-wi.gov
The Board of Police and Fire Commissioners shall perform such powers and duties as are prescribed in Secs. 62.13(2) to (5) and (7) to (12), Wis Stats. Also appoint the Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire Department. Approve appointments of subordinates made by the Police and Fire Chiefs. Establish the selection process and eligibility list for entry level positions (Police Officer/Firefighter). Hear an appeal from a subordinate who has been suspended by the Police or Fire Chief and who requests a hearing. Hear charges filed against the Chief or charges filed by the Chief against a subordinate. May also hear charges filed by a member of the Board, the Board as a body, or any aggrieved person, and determine whether there shall be a penalty.
Mark Schulz (President)
Term Expires: 05/2029
John Becker (Vice-President)
Term Expires: 05/2026
Janet Brown (Secretary)
Term Expires: 05/2027
Mark Lendvay
Term Expires: 05/2028
Gary Solfest
Term Expires: 04/2029
For Questions or concerns, please contact PFC@caledonia-wi.gov.