0 current opening(s), but you may always apply: If you are interested in serving your community as a member, please submit the provided application below to the Village Clerk at 5043 Chester Lane, or email jbass@caledonia-wi.gov
Each citizen member shall serve a three (3) year, staggered term, commencing on May 1st of the appointed year unless appointed to fulfill a vacancy. The Committee responsibilities are to govern, manage, control, improve and care for all public parks and to adopt rules and regulations to promote those purposes. Subject to the approval of the Village Board to buy or lease lands in the name of the Village for park purposes and to sell or exchange property no longer required for its purposes. To change or improve all parks within the Village controlled by the Commission at the expense of the real estate to be benefited thereby.
Larry Pedrazoli
Term Expires: 04/2027
2463 5 Mile Rd
Caledonia, WI 53402
Phone: 414-699-2765
Email: harley9770@gmail.com
Christian de Jong
Term Expires: 04/2026
1648 Secretariat Lane
Caledonia, WI 53402
Phone: 414-687-0247
Email: dejongc42@gmail.com
Tom Dovorany
Term Expires: 04/2026
5329 Sunshine Lane
Caledonia, WI 53402
Phone: 262-498-9700
Email: tdovorany@gmail.com
Eugene Pagel
Term Expires: 04/2026
1510 Ellis Avenue
Caledonia, WI 53402
Phone: 262-939-4149
Email: excursionman28@gmail.com
Ian Dart
Term Expires: 04/2028
8624 Keri Ct
Franksville, WI 53126
Phone: 262-945-9021
Email: idart18@gmail.com
Trustee Holly McManus, Chair (Board Liaison)
1622 4 Mile Road
Caledonia, WI 53402
Phone: 414-405-5932
Trustee Michael Lambrecht, (Board Liaison back-up)
4647 Bluffside Drive 4
Caledonia, WI 53402
Phone: 262-583-1560