Welcome to the Village of Caledonia Municipal Court
The court has jurisdiction over traffic and non-traffic ordinances within the Village of Caledonia. Court Hearings are held on Tuesdays at 3:30pm
The Municipal Court accepts credit card payments online, cash or check in the drop box outside of Village Hall or check by mail. If have have any questions or concerns, contact the Court Office by emailing: court@caledonia-wi.gov
* If you do not find your balance, your debt may have been referred to the Department of Revenue for collections.
You may contact them at 608-264-0345 to make payment arrangements. **
- PLEASE NOTE: If you are currently suspended, once paid in full your satisfaction will be sent to the Department of Transportation for release. It can take 3-5 business days or longer before you are eligible to reinstate your license. To check your reinstatement status you may contact the DOT or check their website on reinstatement eligibility. IF YOU ARE SUSPENDED and your debt has been sent to the Department of Revenue for collections, your license will not be released until we receive payment from the DOR. The Village receives and applies these payments once a month. You ARE NOT eligible to drive until your license has been reinstated with the DOT.
Judge Robert Keller
Municipal Judge
Ashley Robash
Municipal Court Clerk
Court Office hours are Monday through Thursday 8:00am - 4:30pm and Friday 8:00am - noon
The Court Office will close promptly at 2:30pm on scheduled court dates.
5043 Chester Lane, Racine, WI 53402
Office: 262-835-6467 | Fax: 262-835-2388 | court@caledonia-wi.gov
Staff cannot offer legal advice, make recommendations about your case or recommend an attorney.