
Village of Caledonia 5043 Chester Lane, Caledonia, WI 53402

Plan Commission

Agendas and Minutes

2025 Plan Commission Schedule

0 current opening(s), but you may always apply. If you are interested in serving your community as a Commission member, please submit an application to the Village Clerk at 5043 Chester Lane, or email jbass@caledonia-wi.gov

The Commission shall consist of seven (7) members who shall include the Village President, one Trustee and five (5) citizen members who have recognized experience and qualifications but are not Village officials. Each member shall serve a three (3) year staggered term, commencing May 1st.

Appointment is made by the Village President.  Meetings are held on the last Monday of each month.  The Commission is an advisory body to the Village Board for review and recommendations of land division regulations, zoning district plans and regulations and amendments thereto, recommend changes or amendments that it deems necessary or desirable concerning the Official Map, zoning ordinances, and subdivision control ordinances; to cooperate with municipal or regional planning commissions and other land use planning agencies or groups to further the Village planning program and to assure harmonious and integrated planning for the Village and adjoining areas. To hear applications for conditional use permits in accordance with the Village Zoning Ordinance and to perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Wisconsin Statutes, Village Ordinances or the Village Board. 


President Tom Weatherston, Chair 
8722 Dunkelow Rd, 
Franksville, WI 53126 
Phone: 262-989-3424 
Email: TWeatherston@Caledonia-WI.gov

Joseph Kiriaki, Vice-President
Term Expires: 04/2025
4240 Harvest Lane
Caledonia, WI 53402
Cell Phone: 262-620-7260
Email: jkiriaki@ameritech.net

Ron Bocciardi, Secretary
Term Expires: 04/2025
7645 Michna Road
Caledonia, WI 53402
Cell Phone: 414-915-1185
Email: Ron.Bocciardi@serenopartners.com

Michael J. Moore
Term Expires: 04/2026
1014 Hialeah drive
Caledonia, WI 53402
Cell Phone: 262-497-2155
Email: moore1899@sbcglobal.net

Ami May
Term Expires: 04/2026
7057 Lakeshore Drive
Caledonia, WI 53402
Cell Phone: 262-989-4696
Email: Ami@mymayteam.com

Jeff Hintz 
Term Expires: 04/2027
5803 Richwood Lane 
Caledonia, WI 53402
Email: plancommissioner@gmail.com

Trustee Nancy Pierce, Liaison
4528 County Road V,
Franksville, WI 53126
E-mail: NPierce@Caledonia-WI.Gov

Peter Wagner, Development Director 
5043 Chester Lane 
Caledonia, WI 53402
Phone: 262-835-6446
Email: PWagner@caledonia-wi.gov

For Internal Use Only