
Village of Caledonia 5043 Chester Lane, Caledonia, WI 53402

Voter Information

Next Election: Tuesday, February 18 - Election Primary (State Superintendent of Public Instruction)

2025 Important Election Dates 

Voter Registration Information

Register online: myvote.wi.gov

Register in person, by mail, or by email: Click here for application 

Proof of Residency and Voter Registration Information – Click Here

Questions? Email or call the Village Clerk at 262-835-4451

Vote Absentee

Online: myvote.wi.gov

Absentee requests cannot be accepted in person - Click here for application

Make Sure Your Absentee Ballot Counts!

  • Our goal is for zero absentee ballots to be rejected at the polls.
  • The Village Clerk’s Office strongly encourages absentee voters to take the following steps to make sure their ballot is counted:

  • Read the instructions that you receive with your absentee ballot.

  • Seal the envelope - do not use tape to seal.

  • Mail your absentee ballot back to the Clerk’s Office as early as possible. All mail is sent to Milwaukee to be sorted and usually takes at least 3-5 days. Your ballot must be returned to your polling place by 8:00pm on Election Day in order to be counted.

  • If you have moved, register to vote at your new address. Crossing out the address on your absentee label and writing in your new address does not update your voter registration.

Absentee ballots are rejected for the following reasons:

  • Voter has not signed absentee certificate envelope.

  • Voter has not had a witness sign the absentee certificate envelope.

  • Witness did not write address on absentee certificate envelope.

  • Ballot has not been received by Election Day.

  • Voter has not properly sealed the certificate envelope.

Vote Early In-Person Absentee

Early In-Person Absentee Voting typically begins 2 weeks before Election Day.

"Early voting" is absentee voting. You will fill out your ballot and place it inside the certificate envelope, then sign the certificate. A qualified Village Hall staff member or sworn Election Official will witness your ballot and signature. Ballots are securley stored by the Clerk's office until eletion day, when they are checked in and run through the tabulator with the mailed in absentee ballots.

Click here for the 2025 early voting schedule

Election Day Polling Locations

Click Here for Ward Map

Wards 1,2    Caledonia Highway Garage, 6922 Nicholson Road, Get Directions
Wards 3,4,5   Faithbridge Methodist Church, 10402 Northwestern Avenue, Franksville, Get Directions
Wards 9,10,12, 13 St. Mesrob, 4605 Erie Street, Get Directions
Wards 11,14,15,17 Village Hall, 5043 Chester Lane, Get Directions
Wards 16,18,19 Prince of Peace Church, 4340 6 Mile Road, Get Directions 
Wards 6,7,8,20, 21 Grace Church, 3626 Hwy 31, Get Directions  

Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Curbside voting is available by request for those who are in need of assistance.  If you are in need of assistance, look for the curbside voting sign and dial the specified number.

Who are my Elected Officials?

Interested in being a Poll Worker? 

Click here for a fillable application