Department Head: Tony Bunkelman
Title: Director of Public Services
Dept. Phone: 262-835-6416
Dept. Fax: 262-835-2388
Location: Village Hall, 5043 Chester Lane, Racine, WI, 53402
Hours of Operation: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday
Public Works Superintendent: Todd Ripley
Phone: 262-835-6425
Public Works Foreman: Brian Sinner
Phone: 262-835-6408
Location: 6922 Nicholson Road, Caledonia, WI, 53108
Through dedicated employees, we will keep trying to meet the demands and provide efficient services to the citizens of Caledonia. The duities of the Highway Department are to maintain approximately 157 miles of roads and right-of-ways. The scheduling of paving, resurfacing, and patching is done through our department as well as the maintenance of all gravel shoulders and guard rails, sealing asphalt cracks, paint striping, and maintain the road signs. Our winter duties include snowplowing and salting to keep the roads in Caledonia clear and well maintained for our residents.
We work with the Engineering Department on ditch and drainage projects, culvert replacements, mowing the ditch right-of-ways and drainage district easements, and trimming the trees in the road right-of-ways.
The Parks Department also relies on us for the supervising maintenance and providing help with the heavy work needed in the Village Parks.