
Village of Caledonia 5043 Chester Lane, Caledonia, WI 53402


2023 Annual Report

Department Head: Christopher M. Botsch
Title: Chief of Police 

Dept. Phone: 262-835-4423
Dept. Fax262-835-4799
Dispatch Phone: 262-886-2300

Location: 5045 Chester Lane
Administration/Records Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Leadership Team:

Deputy Chief
Shawn Engleman

Investigations and Support Services
Erin Laehr, Lieutenant, elaehr@caledonia-wi.gov

1st and 2nd Shift - Patrol

Gary Larsen, Lieutenant - (Public Information Officer),  glarsen@caledonia-wi.gov

3rd Shift - Patrol

Robert Mueller, Lieutenant, RMueller@caledonia-wi.gov

Mission Statement:

"The mission of the Caledonia Police Department, through a cooperative effort with the community, is to impartially serve and protect all citizens with integrity, dedication, and professionalism."

Chief's Message: 

On behalf of the Village of Caledonia and the Caledonia Police Department, I would like to welcome you to our web page.    The men and women of your police department provide 24/7 professional police services to the community.   As of January 1, 2024, the Police Department is authorized for (44) sworn personnel and (2) civilian Police Support Specialists.  Dispatch services are provided by the Racine County Communications Center.  The Police Department sworn staff is comprised of a Chief, Deputy Chief, (3) Lieutenants, (5) Sergeants, (3) Detectives, (1) FBI Task Officer, (1) K9 Handler w/K9 partner and (29) Police Officers.  

We are committed to our relationships with our business community, residents, and guests, and we value the partnerships we have worked so hard to create.  We enjoy tremendous community support, and for that we are truly thankful. 

The mission statement of the Caledonia Police Department, through a cooperative effort with the community, is to impartially serve and protect all citizens with integrity, dedication, and professionalism.  

The words INTEGRITY, DEDICATION, and PROFESSIONALISM are emblazoned on our uniform patches as a symbol, and a reminder, of our commitment to these values.

I hope you find some of the information on this web page useful.  We encourage you to follow  the Village of Caledonia Police Department Facebook page for more current and relevant information.  I believe you will find the information on our Facebook page interesting, and at times entertaining. 

Christopher Botsch - Chief of Police

Police Support Services

Caledonia Police Support Services is located at the Village police department and is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm except holidays, providing records request and administrative inquiries. The lobby phone located in the police department provides 24 hour contact directly to the Racine County Communications Center for police response.

Open Records Request

To request open records from our department, you can call (262)835-4423, send an email at recordsrequests@caledonia-wi.gov, or use this form.

Communications (Dispatch)

The Caledonia Police Department joined with many municipalities to form the Racine County Communications Center located in Ives Grove. The RCCC provides communications and dispatch services for most Racine County police and fire departments. Information sharing is the mission-critical requirement to achieve public safety, incident management, crime investigations, homeland security, protect the American public, and to defend against terrorism. Therefore, most Department squads are additionally outfitted with mobile computers which serve law enforcement as additional tools in the safest and most up to date communications and information sharing between the Dispatchers and Officers. 

How can you learn more about 911 systems and when you should call?

Visit www.apco911.org or www.nena.org 

Emergency Call 911
To report a police matter: 262-886-2300
Administration/Records: 262-835-4423
Fax: 262-835-4799

Crime Stoppers

Anyone with information can contact CRIME STOPPERS anonymously by calling: 1-888-636-9330, e-mail: racine.crimestoppersweb.com, or text message: RACS to 274637 (crimes). We want your information, not your name. Callers may receive a cash reward up to $1,000 for their information.   

Homeland Security Investigations (HIS)

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HIS) provides the Victim Notification Program which allows eligible victims and witnesses to obtain reliable and timely information regarding a criminal alien’s release from custody. Victims and witnesses are required to register with HIS in order to receive notification of a criminal alien’s release. The following link is a universal resource locator for the HIS Victim Notification Program: https://www.ice.gov/

General Orders and Policies:

Annual Reports:

Victim Service Resources:

BeLEAF Survivors

Wisconsin Department of Corrections Office of Victim Services & Programs

Wisconsin Department of Justice Office of Crime Victim Services- Crime Victim Compensation

Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Prevent Child Abuse Wisconsin

National Mothers Against Drunk Driving

National Domestic Violence Hotline

National Center on Elder Abuse

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline

National Organization for Victim Assistance